#117 Happy New Year!
Today is the day to start to ease back into your healthy habits.
Don't wait until the end of January and start February with regret.
Many of my clients are struggling with their holiday mindset so here are some tips for getting back over the line.
Don't be too hard on yourselves at Outlook we don't believe in the all or nothing mentality.
Start with these easy tips:
- Water get your water back on track aim for 3L a day plus electrolytes if you are enjoying a hotter than usual kiwi summer. Drinking enough water will bring up your energy level and help to stop you craving sugary and salty snacks.
- Get back into planning your food ahead of time. (it doesn't need to be perfect)
- Get your breakfast sorted. It is probably the easiest meal to get back on track and be consistent with.
- Pull back on alcohol. Aim for at least 4 alcohol-free days each week.
- Commit or recommit to strength training. Strength training is a vital tool when it comes to ageing well. Strong women stay young!
You don't need to do all of these things today. Take the next week to ease your way into a happy and healthy 2022.