#119 How much weight can I lose in a week?
Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals
The most important thing with weight loss is that it is sustainable, maintainable and permanent.
So how much can we expect to lose in a week?
I used to encourage my client's to set weekly finite weight loss goals but over time I have found that the pressure of this often backfires.
I now encourage my clients to learn to eat well and let weight loss be a fabulous side effect of making great choices in sensible portions.
In other words, if we gift our body the nutrients that it requires and craves from whole foods, eat when hungry and stop before we are full, we will find our natural healthy weight.
Remember that what we eat influences our thoughts, energy level, feelings, actions and how we behave. Yes really!!
If we only focus on weight loss we are setting ourselves up for failure.
95% of people who diet put all or most of the weight back on.
That is why our compelling reasons to live a long and healthy life are so much more important than our weight loss goals.
If we lose weight too quickly we are doomed to gain that weight back again quickly too. This is just human biology we are hard-wired to survive famine and store fat for the next time that food is scarce.
To prevent your metabolism from slowing down, your willpower fading and your body grabbing your lost weight back download my free guide:
Maintainance is a rinse and repeat of how we lost weight but without the validation of the scales dropping each week, so take your time, enjoy the process and learn to eat in a way that you love and can stick to going forward without judging yourself with the scales.