#126 Did you know that undereating causes weight gain?
Did you know that restricting calories and carbs slows down your metabolism and long term causes weight gain and a crappy relationship with yourself and with food?
I used to try and live on 1200-1300 calories a day. I would follow my plan exactly for a few days then binge. In fact, there was a pattern Monday - Wednesday 'perfect' Thursday binge, beat myself up for being useless, battle through the weekend still feeling hopeless and out of control- start again Monday.
Does this resonate with you?
It was like food had all the power.
My relationship with food was completely messed up. Every binge, off-plan eat or fuck it eat increased my self-loathing and body image issues.
1200 cals a day is barely enough to give the average woman the nutrients she needs to build and maintain a healthy mind and body.
Leptin levels get low without enough quality carbohydrates and your body and brain rebel by losing muscle, holding onto fat and down-regulating your metabolism to survive on less food. Your primitive brain sets you up with cravings and urges and thought errors that cause you to overeat, its primary concern is survival when food appears to be scarce.
Now I can lose body fat if I need to on 1800 cals a day. Not that I count calories or macros anymore. I have finally learnt how to feed my body, I eat when I'm hungry I make informed food choices and I stop eating at 80-% full.
It took me a couple of years to learn how to manage my mind around food. But once I did, for the first time in 5 decades I had a healthy relationship with food, weight and body image.
I can now feed my body with love and respect and allow myself to feel pleasure from food with no remorse, no guilt, and no triggers for uncontrolled mindless eating.
Being free from obsessing over food and the fucking number on the scales has allowed me to focus on other areas of my life and be a much nicer human. #justsaying
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