#134 Positive Ageing
I have recently heard clients and friends moaning about how hard is to stay fit and in shape as they get older.
This is a subject so close to my heart because my goal is to help every woman get into better shape as she ages. Look at me, sure I have some wrinkles and saggy skin but I am so much leaner and healthier at 65 than I was in my 30s or 40s.
Ageing is inevitable.
But let's choose to age well.
Most of what women moan about is due to hormonal changes, lifestyle changes and attitude.
We can absolutely tweak our food and exercise to accommodate hormonal changes.
The trick is not to lower our expectations with age, we may need to take some sideways steps but we must still aim to move forward not backwards!
Expect to have energy and fun!
Expect to stay active.
Say no to the extra glass of wine or extra treats with the grandkids.
Make positive choices and you will have plenty to be happy about rather than to moan about!.
Our bodies and brains are always in a state of either growth or decay.
I choose growth.
3 things that you can do today to enjoy positive ageing.
- Eat more plants. Download my free 7- day plant-based food plan.
I made the change to a plant-based diet nearly 5 years ago. My main reason was to help to protect myself from the cancer that killed my Mother at 63. The health benefits have been profound. This is not just anecdotal there is plenty of good evidence-based science to back this up.
- I lost 5kgs easily and have kept it off. This was not my intention just a happy side effect.
- The inflammation in my joints, which I had accepted as a part of ageing disappeared.
- My energy levels soared
- Mentally I feel great about doing my bit for the planet and animal suffering.
2. Strength train. Lift heavy shit at least 2-3 times per week.
- Strength training stimulates growth hormone. And as I said we are always in a state of growth or decay.
- Improves insulin sensitivity. Breaking muscle fibres at a cellular level makes them listen to insulin. Glucose is then pumped into your muscles instead of stored as fat around your middle.
- Increases your basal metabolic rate so that you burn more calories even at rest.
- Is great for your balance and the integrity of your joints.
- Keeps your muscles tendons and bones strong warding off falls, fractures and osteoporosis.
3. Manage your stress levels. Whatever works for you, for me it is a mixture of walking in nature, tuning into my dog's natural joy for life and journalling. For you it may be the same or meditation, yoga, practising mindfulness and gratitude.
- Chronic stress produces the stress hormone cortisol.
- Cortisol causes your liver to dump glucose into your blood increasing belly fat and making it increasingly hard to shift.
- Stress interferes with sleep. Good sleep is crucial for ageing well.
- Increased cortisol and lack of sleep make you hungry and increase fat storage around your abdomen (belly fat)
For more help with staying in shape as you age join our Outlook Monthly Membership Tribe.