#154 Planning and Goals
I probably go against the tide of most health professionals when I say that I love New Year goals!
Yes, I know that many people make New Year's resolutions and have given up by February. But I find the process of reviewing last year and setting goals for this year thrilling!
If you are determined and make a decision to follow through no matter what, then I think New Year is a great time to start.
That's what I did to lose 30kg. I DECIDED that I was not going to put myself through another year of torment.
So in with the new and out with the old. I made a choice to eat on purpose, plan ahead and figure out why I was making myself miserable by overeating.
I so badly wanted to feel great in my clothes and get my self-confidence back that I would have done anything. I wanted to be in control instead of letting the food control me and then beating myself up over it.
You can do it too and when you decide to actually do it don't use failure as an excuse to give up. You do not have to be perfect it is a process. You will gain momentum a little bit at a time and your confidence will grow every step of the way.
January is a beautiful time to achieve a short-term goal, set up some long-term ones, and establish some healthy habits to give you momentum for the rest of the year.
- Start planning your food. If you are not a member join the Facebook group to get your free download.
- Drink water. When you are thirsty drink water, when you are hungry drink water, when you are sad, lonely, or pissed off - drink water!
- Create great bedtime habits aka sleep hygiene and get your 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night.
- Learn how much exercise and what intensity of exercise are right for you.
- Maximise fat loss by eating the right foods at the right time to regulate your blood sugars.
- Learn how to cope with your emotions, urges and cravings without using food or alcohol.
Even with the rain I always make time for some outdoor soul time. I wanted to share a photo of a recent walk I did in the Karangahake Gorge (if you haven't seen it already).
We are all the sum of the choices that we have made up to this point in our lives. Mainly, when we look in the mirror, the shape that we are in is what we ourselves have created.
Our bodies are amazing machines and if you change the choices you make today you will see the outcome next week, next month, next year, and next decade. We are continually shaping our destiny with our food and exercise choices.