#74 Three Focuses for Weight Loss & Overall Health Nutrition, Sleep & Self-Love
This week's Monday Motivation focuses on three areas I really believe will help you achieve your weight loss and overall health goals, Nutrition, Sleep, and Self-Love.
1. Nutrition and Getting your Two Fuel Sources running
When you're fueling yourself with white sugar and white flour, which makes up such a big chunk of processed foods now, you're giving your body a continued and plentiful source of carbohydrates to run off and pumps a bunch of insulin out to use it. Insulin is your fat-storing hormone and shoves those sugars into your fat cells.
As women, we are designed to store fat for babies and the food we are consuming is helping us to do this so much more effectively. Often it means your insulin is stopping you from accessing those fat stores and you're only running off this fuel source and never using your fat stores!
Getting white sugar and white flour out of your food intake will help stabilize your blood sugar levels, your background blood insulin drops and you can burn fat as a fuel quicker! Your body is dining in, using your fat as fuel and it helps you to not feel hungry all the time!
2. Stress & Sleep
Not getting enough sleep means your body will produce more cortisol and as you age your body doesn't deal with cortisol as well. Cortisol is the stress hormone and makes you feel hungry!
Research has now suggested you can eat as much as 300 calories more each day just by not giving your body and brain enough sleep.
Cortisol tells your liver to put stored sugar into your bloodstream. It's giving your body a boost to deal with the stress. More blood sugars mean more insulin and more fat storage because your body is responding to your brain's signals to deal with stress, it's putting you into survival mode!
Because of this, sleep is so important!
We talked about sleep in the first few minutes of the video in BLOG #70 and because of the importance we talk about sleep and sleep hygiene (like creating a good sleep routine and when to avoid the likes of caffeine) quite extensively in most of my programs.
3. Self-Love
We all try to avoid people we don't like and when you don't like yourself you'll find ways to avoid you too. Whether it's food, alcohol, or other "distractions".
If you are nicer to yourself, the need to numb negative emotions the need to binge starts to subside.
Every time you binge, you get better and binging. Every time you respect your body and congratulate yourself for doing it, you get better at it.
Check out the video above for more of an expansive chat on these three topics.
Supermarket Visit
We've chosen a date for our upcoming Supermarket Tour, Wednesday 17th February 2021.
If you're interested in coming along to a Supermarket Visit you can register your interest here.
Last year we launched a range of programs to help you achieve your weight loss and overall health goals.
As a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, this really is my passion and I love my job.
I run all my courses and many include free sessions with me over the phone, via zoom, or other digital meeting devices, in some instances, there are in-person options too.
The application I use to deliver these courses means you get information in real-time but also the ability to tap back into the resources when you need them. The resources range from print outs to videos, food, and exercise plans, and live group chat. They focus on practical tools when at the supermarket but also how to retrain your brain and body to help you achieve your goals.
You can check out the courses on offer at any time by visiting our website HERE.