#76 Q&A Exercise including Cardio, Weights and HIIT
Tune into our video on some top tips for women over 40 on getting great results from your exercise.
1. Cardio
It's important that your cardio doesn't make you stressed. If you're putting too much stress on your body, you are releasing cortisol and too much of it can stop your body from using fat as fuel.
A good indicator of the level at which you can effectively work out is that you can still hold a conversation, but not be able to sing the national anthem. You're looking for your heart rate to get to approx 120 beats per minute and kept there for 20-30 minutes.
I would also recommend you do your cardio first thing in the morning before you eat and drink. If not, do your cardio after you do your weights as that is the next best time. Remember it's better to do it at any time rather than not at all.
You don't have to hammer yourself to get great results.
It can be swimming, cycling, jogging, walking the dogs.
Try to get 30 mins 5 to 6 times a week.
2. Weight Training
Often women avoid it. But I can't stress the value of weight training enough.
Look to do 8-10 reps, 12 at the most, and 3-4 sets. You want to be doing your sets to failure - on the last set, you couldn't get one done no matter how hard you try. By doing this you are burning more calories for the next 48 hours! It's awesome. Your muscles are buzzing and pulling the energy you eat straight in.
You can get great results and change your body shape with weight training. Look to train 2-4 times a week.
You can do it at home with a resistance band, swiss ball, hand weights, and your body weight and you can do this effectively in 20-40 minutes.
It stands for High-intensity interval training. At over 40, be selective about the energy you are putting into this type of training.
There is lots of research on how this is going to help with dementia, cancers, and diabetes so it really is worth doing.
This is all about getting your heart rate up, over 140 beats per minute. 30sec hard out, 30-sec rest, and repeat.
I do mine on a SPIN bike, 30 sec seated, 30-sec standing. I do 10 x minutes 3 x times a week, twice would be enough, and 2 and a half minutes.
A fourth topic is flexibility but I'll talk to you about that in the future.
Remember, eat well for weight loss, but exercise to help you to stay young and vital for as long as possible.