#52 Top 3 Tips for Burning Fat Over 40 Cheat Sheet
We covered off this Cheat Sheet in Blog #51 and our Live Facebook Video on Monday 27th July so we've posted it above for you as well.
Remember when you could lose 2 dress sizes in a week to fit into that special dress for a party?
You were probably in your 20’s or 30’s.
Notice how you can’t do that anymore - it just doesn’t work. You end up hungry, frustrated, and no smaller! In fact, it’s enough to send you straight to a packet of biscuits or the confectionary aisle!
Our fat loss strategies have to change as we age, especially for women, especially when you hit 40!
But don’t give up. It doesn’t have to be harder, but you do need to understand how your body has changed and you do need to be consistent in your efforts to get your body burning fat as a fuel again.
I have a freebie for you to download here on my top 3 tips.
Click HERE to get the Cheat Sheet.